1. What is NRC, 1951?

National Register of Citizens, 1951 is a register prepared after the conduct of the Census of 1951 in respect of each village, showing the houses or holdings in a serial order and indicating against each house or holding the number and names of persons staying therein. These registers covered each and every person enumerated during the Census of 1951 and were kept in the offices of Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Officers according to instructions issued by the Government of India in 1951. Later these registers were transferred to the Police in the early 1960s.

2. What is National Register of Citizens (NRC) updation?

National Register of Citizens (NRC) updation basically means the process of enlisting the names of those persons (or their descendants) whose names appear in any of the Electoral Rolls upto 1971, 1951 NRC or any of the admissible documents stipulated.

3. What is the background of NRC updation?

A National Register of Citizens was prepared in 1951 after the conduct of the Census of that particular year. The Register included particulars of all the persons enumerated during that Census. As per statues governing NRC updation that are The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 (As amended by 1. G. S. R. 803(E), dated 9th November, 2009 (with effect from 9/11/2009.) 2. Ministry of Home Affairs (Office of Registrar General, India), Order No. S.O. 596(E), dated 15th March, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extra, Part II. No. 504 S.3(ii), dated 16th March, 2010 p.1.) NRC updation process has started in Assam in 2015.

4. How will the NRC be updated?

The NRC will be updated as per the provisions of The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 (As amended by 1. G. S. R. 803(E), dated 9th November, 2009 (with effect from 9/11/2009.) 2. Ministry of Home Affairs (Office of Registrar General, India), Order No. S.O. 596(E), dated 15th March, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extra, Part II. No. 504 S.3(ii), dated 16th March, 2010 p.1.). As per the two statutes, the eligibility status would be ascertained based on the NRC, 1951, Electoral Rolls upto 1971 and in their absence the admissible documents upto 24th March (midnight) 1971.
The updated NRC shall contain names of persons eligible for inclusion in updated NRC by virtue of being original inhabitants of Assam.

5. Why do I need to get myself enrolled in the updated NRC?

The NRC when updated shall become an important legal document to fall back upon for a citizen with reference to his/her status of Indian Citizenship. Moreover, as Assam has been facing the problem of illegal migrants from Bangladesh, it is important to identify them. It is therefore imperative on the part of citizens of India in Assam to ensure inclusion of his/her name in the updated NRC.

6. Will I face any problem to get myself enrolled in NRC? Will the collection of documentary proof be very difficult?

If you are an Indian Citizen you will face no problem to get yourself enrolled in NRC. All you need to do is to collect the Legacy Data linkage particulars - the name and Legacy Data Code of your ancestors as appearing in either the NRC 1951 or any of the Electoral Rolls upto 24th March (midnight), 1971.In case these documents are not available, you have to submit any of the admissible documents.

7. My father moved to Assam from Bihar (or for eg. from any other state of India) after 1971 for business and settled here permanently. Will he be eligible to apply in the updated NRC? What are the valid documents that he need to furnish to apply for inclusion in NRC?
I am an Assamese by birth, and I have my Legacy Data details but my wife is from Mizoram. By marriage, she is an Assamese now. But since, she does not have her Legacy Data details, is she eligible to apply?

Yes. All Indian Citizens including their children and descendants who have moved to Assam post 24th March 1971 would be eligible for inclusion in the updated NRC on adducing satisfactory proof of residence in any part of the country (outside Assam) as on 24th March, 1971.

8. My grandfather was a permanent resident of Shillong (then Assam) before Meghalaya attained statehood in January 21st, 1972. My father was a State Government employee with the then Assam Government. Later on, after my grandfather passed away, my father post his retirement, sold his lands in Shillong and relocated to Assam after 1971. Is he and his descendants eligible to apply, as neither my grandfather’s nor my father’s name exists in the Legacy Data?

Names of people of Assam residing in Shillong prior to 24th March (midnight), 1971 shall also be included in the updated NRC.

9. What documents can be adduced in such cases?

Please click here for the details

10. Who is eligible for inclusion in updated NRC?

• Persons whose names appear in NRC, 1951.
• Persons whose names appear in the Electoral Rolls up to 24th March (midnight), 1971.
• Descendants of the above persons.
• Persons who came to Assam from Bangladesh between 1st January, 1966 and 25th March, 1971 and registered themselves with the Foreigner Regional Registration Office   (FRRO) and declared by the Foreigner Tribunal as Indian citizen.
• All Indian Citizens including their children and descendants who have moved to Assam post 24th March 1971 would be eligible for inclusion in the updated NRC on adducing   satisfactory proof of residence in any part of the country (outside Assam) as on 24th March, 1971.
• Persons who can provide any of the admissible documents issued upto 24th March midnight, 1971.


1. What are NRC Seva Kendras?

NRC Seva Kendras are Help Desks set up in each district covering approximately 2,500 households by each NSK. 2,500 such Seva Kendras are set up in Assam. The Seva Kendras shall assist the public in searching Legacy Data, issuing of Legacy Data Code, and in receipt of NRC Application forms.

2. Can I visit any NSK to search for my legacy document?

Yes, you can visit any NSK as one NSK has shall have the database of the entire state. However, for submission of Application Form one would be required to visit only the NSK designated for ones current area of residence. Know your NSK by visiting the website.

3. Can I submit the Application Form in any NSK?

No. The Application Form can be submitted only in the designated NSK that covers your present address. Each NSK displays a flex banner showing details of the villages/wards under its jurisdiction. The designated NSK shall receive Application Form only from the villages/wards earmarked under it. As such the public is required to acquaint themselves with their designated NSK.
Information about your designated NRC Seva Kendra (NSK) can be obtained from your Circle Office, DC Office, NRC Web-site (nrcassam.nic.in), NRC Toll-Free Helpline 15107.

4. Why should I submit only in the designated NSK?

Verification of Application Forms shall be conducted through the NSK officials. Officials of the designated NSK shall visit the address given as “Present Address” to conduct verification of applications received from only areas covered under that particular NSK. It would be important for persons mentioned in the Application Form to be available at the time of such visit. As such it is important to submit the Form only in the NSK that covers your present address and not permanent address or any other location where you will not be found if visited by the Verification Team for authentication of your application. As such to ensure that verification of your application is conducted smoothly, it will be required to submit Application Form only at the designated NSK. 


1. What are the the admissible documents for inclusion in NRC?

Click here for the list .

2. How to obtain admissible documents?

The applicant must submit the admissible documents available with them. In case the applicant had lost or misplaced the documents required, they may approach the office from which the documents were issued for obtaining duplicate/certified copies.

3. Am I required to submit all of the admissible documents?

No. You are required to submit only one of the admissible documents. It can be either NRC 1951, any one of the Electoral Rolls upto 24th March (midnight), 1971 or any of the 12 other admissible documents.

4. Where shall one get the list of permissible documents in regards to NRC updation?

The list of permissible documents is available on the website www.nrcassam.nic.in. One can get the information regarding the documents from the NRC helpline by dialing 15107 and it will also be mentioned in the application form.

5. What sort of land documents are acceptable?

Any land documents showing title/ownership/possession like ‘Patta’, Jamabandi, Khatian, mutation orders, and land revenue payment receipt pertaining to the period upto midnight of 24th March, 1971 are acceptable, subject to validation.

6. Is GP certificate mandatory for every married woman for inclusion in NRC?

No. G.P. Secretary Certificate is not mandatory for every married woman. It is an additional option available for married woman to show her linkage with her ancestors in absence of any other legally acceptable documents, which contains her name and her ancestors name together.

     Click here for the Video Tutorial on Legacy Data Search (Medium Quality)

     Click here for the Video Tutorial on Legacy Data Search (Low Quality)

     Video Tutorial on Legacy Data Search (You Tube)

1. What is Legacy Data?

The documents namely 1951 NRC (National Register of Citizens) and Electoral Rolls upto midnight of 24th March, 1971 are collectively called as the Legacy Data.

2. What is the importance of Legacy Data?

Legacy Data document is the database of that period which would be carrying the names of a very large number of persons together, admissible to prove the claim for inclusion in NRC updated for the state of Assam. One has to adduce the proof of residence in Assam of himself/herself or his/her ancestors prior to midnight of 24th March, 1971 for inclusion in NRC. As such the probability of finding one’s name or that of the ancestors would be very high here. This would be the most commonly used document.

3. Where can I find a copy of the Legacy Data?

AT THE NSKs -- through computerized search or manual search. Each NSK shall have the segregated hard copies of Legacy Data for the villages falling under the respective Kendra. Also one can check the legacy data of any village in through the computerized search.

All THE NOTIFIED POLLING STATIONS: Legacy Data has been published as hard copies in all the Polling Stations segregated for the villages falling under the respective Polling Station.

NRC WEBSITE: The Legacy Data is available online at the NRC Assam web-site www.nrcassam.nic.in Under NRC HIGHLIGHTS section in the home page you will find the option of Legacy Data Search. You can also take print out of the Legacy Data copy from the web-site.

4. What are the authorities to be contacted for any complaints or for getting any clarification?

You can call at the toll free NRC Helpline numbers 15107 or 18003453762 (for people calling from outside Assam) or visit your nearest NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) for any kind of complaint or queries related to NRC updation. Also you can lodge any complaint through the web-site www.nrcassam.nic.in

5. Can I visit any NSK to search for my legacy document?

Yes, you can visit any NSK as one NSK has the database of the entire state. However, for submission of Application Form one would be required to visit only the NSK designated for ones current area of residence. Know your NSK by visiting the website.

6. I have been hearing a term “DLDD”. What does that signify?

As the Legacy Data is relatively old, it is quite likely that a large number of people would have moved from one place to another since the time of preparation of the original Legacy Data. This would require that a single state-wide Legacy Data set is prepared and published. Preparation of such a single state-wide Legacy Data set is not possible by way of physical printing as 1.) the space requirement for their storage would be extremely high and 2.) it would not be feasible for the public to search through such a huge pile of papers. The only feasible option for such a single state-wide Legacy Data set is by way of compilation of soft copies of the images. Such a compilation of the soft copies of the Legacy Data images and their corresponding digitised records is called Digitized Legacy Data Development, shortly termed as DLDD.

Search in DLDD can be done either through

    1. Searching amongst the digitised records
    2. If the above does not work, then searching through the images of the respective villages. It is possible that some records which were digitised could it be meaningfully linked with the images due to poor legibility, torn condition or otherwise. In such cases, searching of images is the only possible alternative. Once the name of the person is discovered through image search, a unique Legacy Data Code will have to be assigned through -

      1. Either at the NSK or
      2. Through online application made through the NRC web-site.

7. What is Legacy Data Code ?

Unique identification of each record is essential for the applicant to be able to show appearance of his/her name (or of his ancestor(s)). This unique identification is also essential to enable checking by the verifying authorities at the time of verification. Sanctity of each record can only be tested through its relationship with an image in the centralised database. As such, each digitised record, which could be linked correctly with an image has been provided with a Legacy Data Code, something similar to the issuance of a PNR in case of air/rail/road travel. Legacy Data Code consists of an 11 digit number in the format xxx-xxxx-xxxx and contains all the information about any person whose name appears in the Legacy Data. Wherever a match with the name of the ancestor is found, a Legacy Data Slip shall be printed and issued to the applicant. The slip will contain a Legacy Data Code, which shall be required to be quoted by the applicant in the Application Form whenever submitted. Legacy Data Code is issued through either:

  1. Search at the NSK or,
  2. Search through web-site hosted DLDD data through the NRC web-site.

8. I have found my name in the published copy of 1971 ER made available in my Polling Station?

On finding such records in the published copies, citizens would be required to record the unique combination of their entry as appearing in the stated documents by noting down the (1) Image ID (appearing at the left corner of the bottom of the page) (2) Sl No of the House No and/or Serial No within household and (3) the name of the person as recorded in the document. After recording such particulars the citizens can approach the officials at the NSK, who on receiving the recorded particulars would provide Legacy Data slip to the citizens containing a unique Code known as Legacy Data Code against the particular. This exercise shall be crucial as the citizens would be required to furnish the unique Legacy Data Code in the Application Form to support the claim of citizenship.

9. I have my Legacy Data copy of the year 1971 but I’ve heard that the Legacy Data prior to 1965 is important. Is this true?


I have my Electoral Roll (ER) record of 1966 but do not have any record of the 1951 NRC. Will my claim for proof of citizenship on the basis of the 1966 ER be accepted as admissible document for inclusion in NRC?


Is there any preference of electoral rolls of earlier years over the later years?

For inclusion in updated NRC Legacy Data of any of the year up to 1971 shall suffice. 

10. What are the documents accepted to establish linkage with the Legacy data/parents?

I In order to prove linkage with parent or ancestor, any legally acceptable document which establishes the relationship in clear terms between (1) the member of the family, and (2) the name of person whose name appears Legacy Data or any of the admissible documents issued upto midnight of 24th March, 1971 shall be acceptable. Such documents should be verifiable with the originals available with the issuing authority. Also, these relationship/linkage documents can be issued before or after 24th March (midnight), 1971. Circle Officer/GP Secretary Certificate in respect of married women migrating after marriage is only optional and not mandatory. Married women can also use other valid documents to prove linkage.

11. What if my or my ancestor’s name is not found in Legacy Data?

In this regard it is hereby made clear that the computerized Legacy Data search engine is just a tool to facilitate easy search, and by no means the only resort for finding proof of eligibility in updated NRC. The Legacy Database are old and even some are found in faded, torn condition, for which 100% digitization of all records may not have been possible. As such if someone’s name is not found in the computerized search the person can still look up for such records in the published copies made available at the NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs). Even if one does not find his or her name in the published documents, application can still be made for inclusion in NRC by providing any of the other admissible documents issued upto midnight of 24th March, 1971 namely, (i) Land & Tenancy records (ii) Citizenship Certificate (iii) Permanent Residential Certificate (iv) Refugee Registration Certificate (v) Passport (vi) LIC Policy (vii) Govt. issued License/Certificate (viii) Govt. Service/ Employment Certificate (ix) Bank/Post Office Accounts (x) Birth Certificate (xi) Board/University Educational Certificate (xii) Court Records/ Processes.

As such unavailability of one’s own or ancestor’s name in Legacy Data is not a deterrent for applying and inclusion in NRC, if the applicant can produce any one of the said admissible documents as well.

12. Where and how can I have a Legacy Data Code issued to me if I possess a certified copy of the Legacy Data?


What is Ack ID?

In some cases, citizens might have certified copies/extracts of the Legacy Data with them. In such cases also, certified copy/extract has to be cross checked with records available with Government. Such certified copies/extracts shall be considered for eligibility for inclusion in updated NRC only if found correct as per such cross checking and an official valid Legacy Data Code issued as per protocol. In such cases citizens would have to go to the nearest NSK along with the certified copy of the Legacy Data and get the data searched on the spot. If the match with the certified copy is not found during on-spot verification then the certified copy produced by the applicant may be received for further verification with government documents and an Acknowledgement ID would be issued at NSKs. At the NSK, while issuing the Acknowledgement ID, the mobile number of the person will be noted. If the records mentioned in certified copy are verified against records available with Govt, a valid Legacy Data Code will be issued and communicated to the applicant via SMS. In case the result of verification is found negative, the same will also be communicated via SMS.

13. Currently I’m outside the state. How and when can I submit the Application Form for NRC updation?

Forms can also be submitted online through the website of NRC, Assam (www.nrcassam.nic.in)

14. Shall I have to pay any fees for a Legacy Data Code?

Not at all. Search and Issue of Legacy Data Code slip containing a valid Legacy Data Code at NSK or online are completely free of cost. Citizens need to register complaint to concerned Deputy Commissioner (DC)/District Registrar of Citizens Registration (DRCR) or Circle Officer/ Circle Registrar of Citizens Registration (CRCR) or at Toll Free Helpline 15107 if they are asked for any fees by any LRCR/NSK official.

15. Will I face any problem if my /my ancestors’ names are wrongly spelt in Legacy Data?

Even if anyone's name, age etc. is wrongly recorded in NRC 1951 or any of the Electoral Rolls upto 1971, there would be ample scope for citizens to prove their linkage with the correct person during field verification. Affidavits if submitted will be received but corrections mentioned there in would be effected only after satisfactory verification of its particulars by verifying officials.

16. What is the last date of submission of the Application Form? If I miss my given date of Form submission assigned to me by the FLO, up to which date I can visit my designated NSK to submit the Form?

Application Form receipt shall close on *31st August,* 2015.


01.How do we obtain the NRC Application Form?

NRC Application Forms are being distributed house to house by the Field Level Officers (FLOs) in all the districts who are specially notified to perform this function. It is also available on our web-site.

02. Is there any fee for obtaining the Application Form?

The Application Forms are distributed free of cost. Any instance of Field Level Officer or any other government official asking for money against Application Form may be reported to the respective DC (District Registrar of Citizen Registration)/ Circle Officer (Circle Registrar of Citizen Registration)/ Local Registrar of Citizen Registration (LRCR). Complaint may also be lodged by calling at NRC toll free helpline number 15107 or by submitting a complaint in our website.

03. Who are eligible to apply for inclusion in updated NRC?

All the residents of the state are eligible to apply for inclusion in NRC.

04. I’ve lost my Application Form distributed by your officer. Can I use a photocopy of the blank Application form given to my neighbour and submit it at my designated NSK?

Yes. You may also use photocopies of blank Application Form or may download it from the website of NRC Assam (nrcassam.nic.in/application-form.html). It is not mandatory to use and submit an Application Form received only through Field Level Officer.

05. I’ve received an Assamese Application Form but I want to fill up the form in English. Is it allowed to fill up the Assamese Application Form in English?

Application Forms in English can also be filled up in Assamese and Bengali, the Form in Bengali can also be filled up in Assamese and English and the Form in Assamese can also be filled up in English.

06. How do I fill up the Application Form?

The Head of the family will fill up the Application Form for self and all the members of a family including those who may not be presently residing in Assam or, may be residing in any other state of the country or outside the country. In the case of absence of the head of the family, any other adult member in the family can apply.

In case of minor or disabled person, the head of the family or the natural guardian/ legal guardian may apply on behalf of such persons. For inmates of institutional homes, orphanages, home for mentally and physically handicapped persons, old age homes etc, the head of the institution shall have to apply.

All the fields of the Application Form will have to be filled in completely and copies of Legacy Data/Legacy Data Code references/admissible documents as required will have to be enclosed by the applicant along with the Application Form. Only photocopies of documents are needed to be enclosed. Originals shall be asked for during verification.

Check the Video Tutorials gallery on HOW TO FILL UP THE APPLICATION FORM? Also check out the Instruction Sheets on Simple Steps to Fill Up the Application Form in this web-site. Citizens may also call at the toll free help line number 15107 for any assistance required in filling up the Application Form.

07. I am not confident of filling up the NRC Application Form correctly. Can I obtain some assistance from government in helping me out in correctly filling up the Form for my family?

For facilitating easy filling up of the NRC Application Form the following are the awareness/publicity materials developed for public.

I. A sheet distributed with each Application Form called “NRC Updation Application Form Fill Up Made Easy” that provides simple steps for easy fill up of the Application Form in addition to the instructions printed on the Application Form itself. If this is not received with the Application Form, complaint may also be lodged by calling NRC toll free helpline number 15107 or by submitting complaint in the website of NRC, Assam as well (nrcassamcomplaints.in/). This sheet can also be accessed online at the website of NRC, Assam (nrcassam.nic.in/application-form.html).

II. An exhaustive takeaway leaflet detailing prerequisites of Application Form fill up viz. documents required, and instructions on answering each question of the Application Form. The leaflets are distributed in the Community Level Meetings conducted in both urban and rural areas by the officials of district administration. The leaflet can also be accessed in the website of NRC, Assam (nrcassam.nic.in/leaflets.html).

III. Video tutorials on how to fill up the Application Form taking example of a fictional family of Chandra Sarma. The video tutorials are made available for viewing and download in the website of NRC, Assam (nrcassam.nic.in/videos.html). The videos are also uploaded in YouTube for public viewing. The public may also watch the videos during Community Level Meetings conducted by the officials of district administration.

IV. A pictorial leaflet is developed illustrating how the fictional Chandra Sarma family collects documents and fills up the Application Form. The Field Level Officer may be approached by public for obtaining a copy of this leaflet. The same has also been made available in all NSKs as well as in the website of NRC, Assam (nrcassam.nic.in/leaflets.html).

V. In order to further aid the public in easily filling up of the Application Form, practice sheets of the Side C of the Application Form are printed. Public may obtain the copies of practice sheet from nearest NSK to practice filling up of the Application Form to ensure that the Forms are filled up correctly and neatly.

08. How and where do I submit my Application Form?

Applicants have to submit their Application Forms at their designated NRC Seva Kendra (NSK), which shall also act as the Application Receipt Centre. Each NSK displays a flex banner showing details of the villages/wards under its jurisdiction. The designated NSK shall receive Application Form from the villages/wards earmarked under it. As such the public is required to acquaint themselves with their designated NSK. Adequate publicity measures shall be undertaken by NRC authorities in aiding the community to know their designated NSK. On submission of Application Form by the public, the LRCR will check and receive the Form upon ascertaining its acceptability. On receipt of a duly filled in Application Form along with required documents, the NSK operator shall give the applicant a printout of the scanned copy of the Application Form with a summary of documents submitted by the applicant as Acknowledgement Receipt bearing an Application Receipt Number (ARN) & a bar code. Only photocopies of documents are needed to be enclosed. Originals shall be asked for during verification. The Application Form shall be submitted by any member of the family. However, it’s compulsory for each family to submit the Form through any of its members, and not through any outsider. In the most unavoidable case when the form is required to be submitted by anyone outside the family, the application will be accepted but photograph of such bearer will be captured at NSK for record and verification. Application Forms can also be submitted online after registration by using the mobile number of the applicant as mentioned in the Form.

09. What are the other documents to be collected for submission with the Application Form?

There will be two requirements for inclusion of names of any person in updated NRC:

1) The first requirement is collection of documents of ANY OF the following documents of List A issued before midnight of 24th March, 1971 where name of self or ancestor appears (to prove residence in Assam up to midnight of 24th March, 1971).

1. 1951 NRC OR
2. 1971 Electoral Roll(s) upto 1971 OR
3. Land & Tenancy Records OR
4. Citizenship Certificate OR
5. Permanent Residential Certificate OR
6. Refugee Registration Certificate OR
7. Passport OR
9. Any Govt issued License/Certificate OR
10. Govt. Service/ Employment Certificate OR
11. Bank/Post Office Accounts OR
12. Birth Certificate OR
13. Board/University Educational Certificate OR
14. Court Records/Processes.

Further, two other documents viz (1) Circle Officer/ GP Secretary Certificate in respect of married women migrating after marriage (can be of year before or after 24th March (midnight) 1971, and (2) Ration Card issued upto the midnight of 24th March, 1971 can be adduced as supporting documents. However, these two documents shall be accepted only if accompanied by any one of the documents listed above.

2) The Second requirement arises if name in any of the documents of List A is not that of the applicant himself/ herself but the name appearing in List A is that of an ancestor, namely, father or mother or grandfather or grandmother or great grandfather or grandmother (and so) of the applicant. In such cases, the applicant shall have to submit documents as in List B below to establish relationship with such ancestor i.e father or mother or grandfather or grandmother or great grandfather or grandmother etc. appearing in List A. such document shall have to be a legally acceptable document which clearly proves such relationship.

1. Birth Certificate OR
2. Land document OR
3. Board/University Certificate OR
4. Bank/LIC/Post Office records OR
5. Circle Officer/GP Secretary Certificate in case of married women OR
6. Electoral Roll OR
7. Ration Card OR
8. any other legally acceptable document

For example, the Birth Certificate gives the name of the father/ mother and the child together in one place and can prove the parent child relationship. Similarly, a land mutation document carrying the name of both the child and the father/ mother can be used to prove a parent child relationship. Electoral Roll also may carry the name of the father and child together and can be used to establish the parent child relationship.

Points to be remembered:

* Providing Any one of the documents of List A *ANY PERIOD* upto midnight of 24th March, 1971 shall be enough to prove eligibility for inclusion in updated NRC. Rumors about requirement of documents only of pre-1966 period are baseless.

* NRC 1951 and Electoral Rolls upto 24th March (midnight) 1971, collectively termed as Legacy Data, as available, has been published by the Government in NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) across the state. Free of cost printout of such records bearing Legacy Data Code against each name may be obtained from NSKs. The same can also be accessed through the website of NRC, Assam (www.nrcassam.nic.in).

* Even if one’s name is not found in the Legacy Data, Application Forms can still be submitted by quoting particulars in any other admissible document listed from 3 to14
(List A).

* Circle Officer/ GP Secretary Certificate in respect of married women migrating after marriage is only optional and not mandatory. Married women can also use other valid documents to prove linkage.

* Even if anyone’s name, age etc is wrongly recorded in NRC 1951 or in any of the Electoral Rolls upto 1971, there would be ample scope for citizens to prove their linkage with the correct person during Field Verification. Affidavits if submitted will be received but corrections mentioned therein would be effected only after satisfactory verification of its particulars by verifying officials.

* Documents given in List B shall be used to prove relationship of the applicant with the person whose name appears in any of the documents in List A. Documents given in List B are only for proving relationship/linkage and only supportive in nature. As such, existence of a valid document in List A shall be a pre-requisite to consider validity of Document from List B.

* Any document submitted should be verifiable with the originals available with the issuing authority. This document can be issued on any date and has no reference to the date 24th March, 1971.

10. I don’t have any document to show my linkage with my ancestors, can I still submit my Application Form in my designated NSK?

The Application Forms should be filled up completely and correctly and also should be enclosed with all required documents for interest of public. However, Application Forms will be accepted at the first instance in NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) even if submitted without relevant documents or any document at all. However, in such cases the public run the risk of getting their Application Form rejected during scrutiny of Application Form carried out to establish eligibility for inclusion in updated NRC.

11. Is it mandatory to mention the house number in the Application form?

It is not compulsory for applicants to fill in the House Number in the Application Form if the same is not usually used by the applicant while describing his/her address. There is no requirement to search or ascertain any Census House Number or Election House Number or any other House Number generated by government agencies.

12. My ancestor’s name is wrongly spelt in the Legacy Data slip. Will my Application Form be rejected at the time of submission?

Application Form would not be rejected on the basis of names wrongly spelt in Legacy Data quoted by the applicant.

13. My name is included in the voter list of Nalbari, but I’m presently residing in Guwahati. Do I need to produce any electoral roll to obtain the Application Form for my family?

Public are not required to produce any electoral roll or any other document for obtaining Application Forms for their families.

14. Currently I’m outside the state. How and when can I submit the Application Form for NRC updation?

Forms can also be submitted online from 22nd June 2015 through the website of NRC, Assam (www.nrcassam.nic.in).

15. Why should I submit the Application Form in the date mentioned to me by the Field Level Officer who visited my house for Form delivery?

The date of Application receipt for individual family will be intimated by the Filed Level Officer visiting house to house for delivering the Form. The date is intimated to avoid overcrowding and systematic receipt of Application Forms in NSKs.

16. When can I visit the NSKs? What are the working days of NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs)?

NSKs are operational on all working days except on second and fourth Saturdays, all Sundays and on government holidays.

17.What is the last date of submission of the Application Form? If I miss my given date of Form submission assigned to me by the FLO, up to which date I can visit my designated NSK to submit the Form?

Application Form receipt shall close on 31st July 2015.

18. Is there any age bar for registration under NRC Assam?


19. Will NRI be considered in NRC?

Yes. He/she is eligible for inclusion in NRC updation process provided he/she falls under the category of eligible persons.

20. If the form is downloaded from the website, will it be considered for submission at the NRC Seva Kendra?

Yes. You can download the Application Form online and submit the same at your designated NRC Seva Kendra.

21. Can we take the Xerox copy of the NRC Application Form?

Yes, a Xerox copy can be taken in case it is used for the same family.

22. Is it necessary to fill up the Application Form by all the family members?

Yes, it is. The head of the family must ensure that the names of all the members of the household are mentioned in the relevant columns given in the Application Form. The head of the family will have to sign the application.

23. My father lives abroad, who can apply in his absence?

If you are the eldest member of the family you can apply by establishing your and your siblings’ linkage to your father and grandfather in the Legacy Data. Your mother too can fill up the Application form. However she will need to establish her linkage independently to her father or grandfather in the Legacy Data.

24. What happens in case the applicant is a minor and lives in an orphanage, how can she/he prove her/his nationality?

The legal guardian of the child has the authority to apply.

25. What documents are required in case of a married woman?

Just like men, any woman shall also have to prove linkage with her father or mother or grandfather or grandmother as the case may be. As married woman are more usually referred to through their husbands, it is clarified that for establishing eligibility for inclusion in updated NRC, they shall have to prove linkage with her father or mother or grandfather or grandmother as the case may be and linkage with husbands or in-laws shall not be counted.

26. I’m born and brought up in UK, however my father is an Indian and now he is residing in India. Can I apply for NRC updation and if yes, what document should I provide to establish my linkage with my father?

Yes, you can apply for NRC updation by providing any government document showing your linkage with your father. The documents will be verified by the verification team.

27. I have been disowned by my father. Can I still apply for NRC updation with his linkage?

Yes, you can.

28. If a child is adopted by his/her relative without any court agreement then who will be the parents in this NRC.

The guardian of the child shall apply on behalf of the child. The linkage of parents as known to the relative who has adopted the child to be provided.

29. Will I get an acknowledgement slip after submission of Application Form?

Yes. The Application Receipt Centre at the NRC Seva Kendra will issue a computer generated receipt to the applicant. The receipt signed by the Local Registrar of Citizen Registration (LRCR) shall be accompanied by a printout of the scanned copy of the Application Form and a list of the names of the documents submitted in support of citizenship.

30. What acknowledgement shall I receive, when I submit the form online?

A copy of the submitted Form will be generated and it can be downloaded for future reference.

31. I have lost the acknowledgement slip. What should I do?

Please visit your nearest allotted NRC Seva Kendra and request them for another copy of your receipt. However, do remember that the Seva Kendras shall be available only for a period of 3(three) months at the designated locality for receipt of application.



1.When did the Verification Process start?

The Verification Process started immediately after the closure of the Application Receipt Phase on 31st August, 2015.

2. What is the aim of the Verification Process?

The sole purpose of the Verification Process is to ensure that no ineligible person gets entry and that no genuine person gets left out.
3.What is the basis of the Verification Process?

The Verification Process shall be based on Rule 3 of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 that details the process of scrutiny of applications and instructs that “The scrutiny of applications received under sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 2 shall be made by comparing the information stated in the application form with the official records and the persons, of whom the information is found in order, shall be eligible for inclusion of their names in the consolidated list.” As such, verification of documents would mean validation through comparison with the originals available with the issuing authority.

4. How will the Verification Process be conducted?

The Verification Process shall be conducted in two parts. They are the following:-

  • (i) Office Verification
  • (ii) Field Verification
In order to ensure maintenance of timelines stipulated by the Apex Court, Field Verification and Office Verification would be carried out simultaneously.

5.What is the focus of Office Verification?

Scrutiny of documents submitted along-with the Application Forms to establish authenticity of the document with focus on the particulars given therein as given below. This process would be called Office Verification. The particulars to be verified in a document would be:

  • (i) In case of List A documents: the names of the persons and date.
  • (ii) In case of List B documents: the names of the persons to establish relationship claimed.

6. What is the focus of Field Verification?

This process consists of carrying out door to door visit to:

  • (i) Check identity proof and match photo of applicant.
  • (ii) Compare submitted documents with originals
  • (iii) Establish if documents submitted relates to person
  • (iv) Verify relationship claimed through List – B document
  • (v) In case of absence of List – B document, relationship to be ascertained by Verification Team through quasi-judicial process
  • (vi) Determine correct particulars in case of aliases/erroneous names in Legacy Data
  • (vii) Make corrections (if required) in the Application Form, collect particulars (if any) of unfilled questions in Form
  • (viii) Collect additional document
  • (ix) Collect details of family tree (list of family members) to match the detail with those submitted by the various applicants across Assam. Matching the family tree submitted by applicants with the one generated by software on the basis of Forms received will be the most important mechanism to detect false claims.

7. How will the Verification Team (VT) be constituted?

The formation of Verification Teams is as follows:

Verification Teams would be formed to verify the particulars submitted by the applicants before deciding upon inclusion of their names in the updated NRC. A Verification Team would consist of two persons, namely LRCR and another supporting official. The supporting officials as VT members would ordinarily be drawn from amongst the Local Officers, Supervisory Kanungo (SK), Lot Mandals, GP Secretary and Gaonburah.

8. I forgot to submit the Legacy Data for my wife along with the Application Form? Will her verification be done and can I submit the same during this period?

Yes, during the field verification process, you will get a chance to submit the copy of the Legacy Data Slip of your wife that was not submitted with the Application Form. All application forms will be verified, even if submitted without any document.

9. The name of my grandfather is spelt differently in both the Legacy Data and his land document. The correct one is the one recorded in the land document. What should I do now?

Names wrongly or differently recorded shall be verified by the Verification Team during the Verification Process and a decision shall be taken through the quasi-judicial process.

10.What actions can be taken against anyone forging any documents while applying for NRC updation?

Furnishing false information shall be considered as a punishable offence and invite penal action as per law (penalty as laid down under Section 17 of the Citizenship Act 1955) and under section 420 of the Indian Penal Code.

11. How will the documents submitted by applicants be authenticated for NRC?

The data provided by the public along with the Application Form shall be verified/ validated by the Verification Team of each district.

12. Do I need to be physically present at my current address during the Field Verification visits?

The requirement of physical presence of applicants shall be ascertained by the Verification Team (VT). If the VT is satisfied about genuineness of the persons mentioned in the application the physical presence may be exempted by the team for such persons on account of presence outside Assam for various reasons such as – treatment, studies, work etc.

13. I was not at home when the Verification Team (VT) visited. What should I do now?

In case of anyone who have missed the visit of the VT or are presently out of State can visit their designated NSK to get their claims verified. Those presently residing out of Assam and have applied online can locate their designated NSK through the KNOW YOUR NSK feature in the NRC website.

14. I just got to know that the Birth Certificate of my daughter issued by the School Authority is not legally acceptable. What else can I submit and to whom?

There have been instances, where some applicants have submitted documents which are legally non-admissible, such as Birth Certificates issued by School Authority etc. In such cases the VT will ask you for alternate documents and/or evidence. Please provide photocopy of other admissible documents to the VT while they would visit your house for verification.

15. In case of new born babies is there a cut off date for inclusion in the NRC to be published on March 2016.

31st August 2015.

16. I forgot to affix photograph on my Application Form when I submitted it. Where should I submit it now?

You can submit your photograph when the Verification Team shall visit your household during Field Visits.

17. How will the Application Forms submitted online be verified?

The Application Forms received online shall be sent for verification at designated NSKs (of the applicant’s present address) in the same manner as in case of forms physically received at the NSKs.

18. Where and whom to report cases of dereliction of duty by an official involved in the NRC Updation process or harassment by Verification Team?

We will ensure that the verification process is hassle free and people friendly. However, for your information, during the field visits, if at any given point of time you find the behaviour of any member of the Verification Team inappropriate or encounter any kind of harassment, please report the same immediately to the LRCR officer at your designated NSK or approach the CRCR (Circle Officer), DRCR (Deputy Commissioner). You may also place a call to our toll free helpline number 15107 or log in to our Grievance Redressal Portal. You can also report any instance of use of fraudulent means by any person through our helpline and online portal.

19. What is a Family Tree?

A Family Tree is the detail of different generations of your family comprising the names of the Legacy Person(s) and children and grandchildren of Legacy Person.

20. Why should an applicant submit Family Tree details?

(a) In order to secure an entry into NRC some unscrupulous persons may claim false linkage from anyone who was a resident of Assam/other part of India before the cut off date of 24th March (midnight), 1971.
(b) In order to find out such false claims it would be required to cross check all linkage claims made against any legacy person.
(c) Having made to declare the family tree details beforehand, unscrupulous elements will not be left with any chance to charge premium from persons claiming false linkage from their legacy.
(d) Informing NRC authorities about Family Tree beforehand will lessen the burden of your family members to prove linkage during field verification to verifying officials.
(e) As such, submission of Family Tree would (1) help the verification team identify false claims (2) protect precious legacy data of any family against misuse by illegal migrants to enter NRC and (3) will be a valuable information on linkage for family members to substantiate their claim

21. What is computerized Family Tree?

A software has been designed to check all the Application Forms submitted by the applicants and generate a computerized family tree i.e. the details of all persons who have claimed to be children/grandchildren of the same Legacy Person.

22. What is a Manual Family Tree Form?

A form has been designed wherein the applicants have to fill in the details of different generations of the family comprising the names of the Legacy Person(s) and children and grandchildren of Legacy Person. This manually filled up form shall be collected beforehand from the applicants during house to house visits by the verification team. And this is called Manual Family Tree Form collection.

23. What shall be the use of both the computerized Family Tree and Manual Family Tree Form?

The computerized Family Tree & Manual Family Tree shall be matched to identify false claims. For example, If it is shown in the software generated report that 6 brothers are claiming linkage from a certain individual, whereas the family has claimed to have 5 sons of the said legacy person then the verification team would be able to detect the name of the so-called brother not found in the manual form to be a false claim.

24. How to provide Family Tree details?

The verification team during house to house visit will be collecting family tree details of applicants. To save time of both the verifying officials and the public during those visits, the public may fill up these details beforehand in the Manual Family Tree Form designed by the NRC authorities and distributed house to house.

25. Is it mandatory to fill up the Manual Family Tree Form?

(1) It is not mandatory for the public to keep the Manual Family Tree Form filled-up beforehand to submit to the verification team, but it will be crucial to provide the same information to the verification team during their house to house visit.

(2) Under Rule 8 of The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003, the verifying officials are empowered to ask any person to furnish any information within his knowledge in connection with the determination of Citizenship status of any person and the person required to furnish information shall be bound to comply with such requisition. As such the public would be required to provide the family tree details to verification teams.

26. What to do if additional Legacy Data Codes are available in the name of a Legacy Person, which are not used?

In case additional Legacy Data Codes are available in the name of the Legacy Person which is not used, please provide the details of all those Legacy Data Codes in the Manual Family Tree Form.

27. Where to obtain the Manual Family Tree Form?

The Manual Family Tree Form shall be distributed house to house. In case you do not receive the same, you can download the Manual Family Tree Form from our website www.nrcassam.nic.in and it is also made available at the designated NSKs.

28. How to submit the Manual Family Tree Form?

The Manual Family Tree Form shall be collected from you by the Verification Team during the first round of field visits.

For more details on Family Tree form submission CLICK HERE.


1.Whom to approach if my application is rejected?

If such a situation arises, you may file claim application within a stipulated time period before the LRCR. The Application for filing claims and objections is available in a prescribed format. A notice will be issued to every person filing claim to substantiate his or her claim by the LRCR.


1.How will I know whether my name has been enlisted in NRC or not?

A draft of the NRC shall be published in January 2016. It will also be made available in NSKs and online for viewing by the public.

2. My name is wrongly spelt in the draft NRC. Can I apply for correction?

Yes, in case of any corrections/changes that you wish to do, you have to file a claim/correction application at your nearest NRC Seva Kendra and address it to the Local Registrar of Citizens Registrations. A receipt shall be issued to you by the Help Desk at the centre. A notice shall be issued within a stipulated time for hearing of the Correction Petition. In case of correction or for any other changes to be made for inclusion in the NRC, an Application, set in a prescribed format is available at the NRC Seva Kendras or the LRCR offices.

3. My name is not included in the draft NRC. Can I reapply?

Yes. You may file a claim for inclusion of your name in the NRC updation process by submitting an application at your respective LRCR. The Application for filing Claims and Objection can be obtained from the LRCR offices. There is a prescribed format for filing such issues and the Application will be accepted only in the prescribed format.

4. Is there a stipulated time period for re-application?

Yes, there is a specified time frame for claim. The information shall be shared with the public through newspapers, TV channels, on radio/FM channels as required, if such a situation arises.

5. My name appears in the draft and thereafter I decide to move to other place, will I still be considered?

Yes, you can, if you are residing within the borders of the country. If, in case you are a citizen of any other country you cannot apply for the citizenship of India. But if you are willing to be an Indian citizen you must surrender your foreign citizenship.


1. When will be the final NRC published?

To know the timelines click here.


1. Who is a “D” voter?

Doubtful Voter are those persons who are identified during electoral roll revision as D Voters, cases of which are pending with the Foreigners Tribunals or as declared as foreigners by the Tribunal.

2. Can a "D" voter apply?

Yes. “D” voters can apply for inclusion of their names in the updated NRC. However, a “D” Voter’s name will only be included in NRC only after getting clearance from the Foreigners Tribunals.

3. My father is identified as a D Voter but the case is not yet resolved in the Foreigners Tribunals. But I am not a D Voter and I have my Legacy Data particulars for 1971. Will I be eligible for inclusion in NRC?

Yes, someone who has his/her Legacy Data record is eligible to for inclusion in the updated NRC, irrespective of the fact that his/her father or mother has been identified as D Voters.

OI Provision

1. What is the legal provision regarding “Original Inhabitants” (OI)?

As per provisions of Clause 3(3) of Schedule of “The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003, “The names of persons who are originally inhabitants of the state of Assam and their children and descendants, who are Citizens of India, shall be included in the consolidated list if the citizenship of such persons is ascertained beyond reasonable doubt and to the satisfaction of the registering authority”. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide the Order dated 21st July 2015 in WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO(S). 562/2012 further stated that “Insofar as clause 3(3) of the Schedule appended to the Rules is concerned, we clarify that the expression “original inhabitants of the state of Assam” would include the “Tea Tribes” and the inclusion of such original inhabitants would be on the basis of proof to the satisfaction of the Registering Authority which establishes the citizenship of such persons beyond reasonable doubt”.

2. Why is the provision of OI implemented?

As the law provides for the Original Inhabitants to be included in NRC, this provision is being implemented to ensure that no Original Inhabitant is deprived of this legal protection and is excluded from NRC due to unavailability of document or any such reason.

3. Will those NRC applicants who are identified as OI be eligible for any special benefit?

Original Inhabitant is not a special status so far as the updation of NRC is concerned and doesn’t give out any preferential or differential treatment to any NRC applicant. All persons whose names appear in the updated NRC shall have all rights available to citizens and all such persons shall be treated equally without any hierarchical categorisation irrespective of whether they enter the updated NRC by virtue of documentary evidence or by being marked as Original Inhabitants.

4. Who are non-OIs?

There is no such category as non-OI.

5. Will the draft or the final NRC show OIs and others separately?

In the draft and the final NRC to be published, nobody will be shown as Original Inhabitant or otherwise and will be identified in only one category, which is citizenship. All persons whose names appear in the updated NRC shall have all rights available to citizens and all such persons shall be treated equally without any hierarchical categorisation irrespective of whether they enter the updated NRC by virtue of documentary evidence or by being marked as Original Inhabitants.

6. Is there any official statement or study material on OI?

Click here for details.


1. How can I be sure that names of illegal migrants or foreigners will not get included in the updated NRC?

Latest IT (Information and Technology) tools are being used in NRC updation in Assam to catch fictitious claims of linkages by computerized construction of family tree. Centralized database shall be maintained for storing scans of all documentary evidence adduced for immediate checking at various levels – circle, district or state. Moreover, very strict supervision will be put in place to ensure verification of all documents submitted by the applicants. Validation shall be carried out with the backend data for the documents produced to check for fake/ doctored / manufactured documents. In case, adequate grounds exist for suspecting inclusion of an illegal migrant in the Draft NRC, citizens shall have the right to submit objections against such inclusion.

2. Is there any chance for exclusion of names of any citizen in the updated NRC?

All residents are invited to apply for inclusion of their names in NRC. If the applicant can produce documentary evidence, as admissible, inclusion in NRC shall not be difficult. Even in case a citizen gets left out at the Draft Publication stage, he/she will be able to submit a claim for inclusion at the time of final publication.

3. Will I get an identity card after my name is enlisted in NRC?

Issue of identity card is not included in the current phase of updation of NRC. It may happen in the next phase.

4. What are the authorities to be contacted for any complaints or for getting any clarification?

You can call at NRC Helpline 15107 or visit your nearest NRC Seva Kendras (NSKs) for any kind of complaint or queries related to NRC updation. Also you can lodge any complaint through the web-site www.nrcassam.nic.in .

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